Boston Marathon 2013

It’s a story we’ve all heard by now. Horrific images we’ve all seen multiple times either on the news, social media, or both.

On Monday, April 15th, 2013 at the annual Boston Marathon, two explosions fifteen seconds apart went off at the finish line leaving three dead and 183 hospitalized and more injured. Countless limb amputations – both by the initial bomb, and later in hospitals.

Across the world people were affected by this. From people who ran in the race, their families, the spectators, and the injured; to everyone else who heard about it on the news, social media, or from friends and family calling them – from Boston or elsewhere.

The amount of people helping, in an incredible amount of ways, is overwhelming. Though this event is horribly tragic, and has shaken everyone everywhere, people are still coming together to help each other and spread a feeling and message of hope through tragedy.

Immediately after the bombs went off, people began responding. From runners to bystanders to already stationed first responders, everyone got involved.

15 National Guard soldiers ran in the marathon – with 40-pound backpacks on their back that contained water, gear, and first-aid and trauma kits. When they arrived to the scene of the bombs they immediately got involved and used their training and supplies to help whoever they could.

Though the impact of this event is tragic and negative for the most part, something we must all remember and look to is how it has brought people together to help each other; and that no matter who you are, or where you’re from; we’re all the same in a tragedy and we will all come together.

As many people have quoted in regards to this tragedy, Mr. Fred Rogers said; “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”

Stay safe everyone; and remember to hold on to hope.

(yes, I am aware this post is a week delayed as a response to last Monday’s tragedy, I apologize. I have had it in a draft for the last week but have not gotten around to publishing it until now.)